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Showing posts from November, 2020

CRCNA Human Sexuality Report Cliff Notes

So if you're in the CRC/RCA/other close denominations bubble, you may know that the CRCNA has had a committee working on the matter of homosexuality and what we ought to believe/uphold about that. The committee did great work, unfortunately it's 176 pages long--though, it needed most if not all of that. If you want to see the original report, check out the link here . If you want to see the official summary, click here.   What follows was originally written by me as  “Twitter cliff notes.” I started a little ways in and not every point is hit or every citation perfect. Some parts I left empty, because I assume all Christians should have a similar understanding (though I know that's not always true). Hopefully I've accurately captured the gist of the report. I cleaned it up a little bit from the original tweets. Enjoy... Pages 1-2: Table of Contents Pages 3-4: I. Introduction Didn’t write anything Pages 4-15: II. Preamble Didn’t write anything Pages 15-37: III.