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Showing posts from June, 2015

Like Little Children

(Originally written for Douglas County Publishing: Pastor's Meditation June 2 issue) As I watched the boys and girls who came to Vacation Bible School in Corsica last week, I was amazed by their unchanging energy.  Each morning began and ended with worship through song, and in between they learned about the nature of God and had fun through Bible lessons, crafts, and recreation.  Singing the same songs every day enabled the kids to know them better. It was not just their singing that struck me, but all of the moving and jumping and motions they did with the songs. For most of us that have grown up in churches or who have gone to Sunday School and VBS before, we can probably remember being in their place at one time as well.  Adult leaders taught us the motions to a song.  They gave us parts to sit down or stand up.  As children, there was a certain joy in having the opportunity to praise God by belting the songs out with our voices as well as glorifying him with the bodies he