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Showing posts from January, 2022

Is God Destructive?

(Originally written for The Baldwin Bulletin: Pastor's Column January 26, 2022) …Joshua said to the people, “Shout, for the LORD has given you the city. And the city and all that is within it shall be devoted to the LORD for destruction…But you, keep yourselves from the things devoted to destruction, lest when you have devoted them you take any of the devoted things and make the camp of Israel a thing of destruction and bring trouble upon it. But all silver and gold, and every vessel of bronze and iron, are holy to the LORD; they shall go into the treasury of the LORD”…Then they devoted all in the city to destruction, both men and women, young and old, oxen, sheep, and donkeys, with the edge of the sword. (Joshua 6:16-21) The women of Baldwin CRC’s Dorcas Society, a Bible study and serving group named after the woman who was “full of good works and acts of charity” in Acts 9:36-43, are currently studying the book of Joshua. One of them shared at our recent annual meeting how it’