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Showing posts from January, 2020

Redeeming Our Failed Ideas

Imagine a chart or graph that accounted for the ways each of us spend our time. Hopefully about a quarter to a third is dedicated to sleep. There’d likely be a good chunk for our work—in or outside of the home. If work requires us to commute or we like to travel, we might also see a sizable allotment for transportation time. You can fill in the rest for your schedule. Each of us are different from each other—how/what we think about, what we do, what we get excited/passionate about. Some of us have lots of ideas and we’re constantly trying to create. Some of us come up with ideas occasionally and pursue them passionately. Some of us mainly follow and apply ourselves to others’ ideas. Especially if you fit into one of the first two categories, imagine the chart wouldn’t just capture our lives in general terms, but got into the specifics. There’d be all these little slices, these slivers, identifying time spent on a particular process from coming up with an idea to forming a