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Showing posts from July, 2019

Enjoying God's Creation

Photo by  kat wilcox  from  Pexels I’m currently preaching through the book of Acts, and my messages have largely been drawing our attention to some of the core practices of the early church. When we look back in history and wonder how the first Christians following Jesus’ time on earth did things, what can we learn from them? One of the pieces is their generosity towards one another (Acts 2:44-45; 4:32-35). Being generous isn’t something they just decided to do on their own, though. It’s actually rooted in what God had instructed the Israelites about as they made their way to the Promised Land. He taught them how he had created all things and was giving them an opportunity to live and work and harvest on his land. He was the Lord their God, who brought them out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. Lest they fell into thinking they earned and ought to receive credit for making themselves into the people they were and possessions they had, God reminded them that they wouldn

"Read your Bible, Pray Every Day...And You'll Grow, Grow, Grow..."

(Photo Cred: Luis Quintero via I wrestle with this song I’ve heard sung in Sunday Schools and taught to children.   On one hand, equating our actions with spiritual growth worries me.   Someone could go through the actions of reading the Bible every single day (reading it like a novel, textbook, or collection of poems) and also assume they’re praying (by thinking good thoughts and telling whatever gods exist what they’d like to see happen), and think that’s all that’s necessary to “grow, grow, grow.”   In reality, faith must be present.   Reading and listening to the Bible is a discipline, as is prayer to the one true God.   These are exercises we do in trust, dependence, and thankfulness to the God who has spoken his will and redeemed his people.   If a person truly believes and is saved, and does these things, they are to their benefit, their growth!   Without faith, they might make a person feel good and have others who see them think a certain way about th